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Название темыГрифон с копытами
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=125137&mesg_id=125552
125552, Грифон с копытами
Послано Igor07, 03-03-2017 17:40

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Print made by Israhel van Meckenem
After Martin Schongauer

School of/style of Albrecht Dürer (biographical details | all objects)
Coat of arms of Christoph III Scheurl and Sabina Geuderin, within a laurel wreath on the left the coat of arms of the Scheurl family, showing a raised griffin, and on the right the coat of arms of the family Geuder von Heroltsberg, showing a triangle with three stars, above the two shields a closed helmet surmounted by a griffin, underneath a putto holding an empty oblong tablet, within the laurel wreath four smaller shields of the Scheuerl, Tucher, Fütterer, and Behaim families.

На всякий случай
Print made by Monogrammist IS & shovel
Formerly attributed to Hans Schäufelein

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