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Название темыДругие индейцы_сканы из книжки
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54486, Другие индейцы_сканы из книжки
Послано Астрахань, 07-02-2018 18:15
Тут один западный энтузиаст на очень редкую книжку напоролся под названием "Историческое развитие ожерелий с крестом у индейцев племен Пуэбло и Навахо"..


Книжка дорогая, целых 150-200 долларов стоит, и в Сети ее, понятно, нет, но наш энтузиаст ее раздобыл и рисунки аккуратно сосканировал:

"I signed up for a silversmithing class that will start in January and have been trying to do a little research in preparation. I have mainly been reading up on Native American jewelery because it has always fascinated me.

One of my favorite designs is the pueblo or dragonfly cross so I spent most of last week trying to get more information on the design and its history. There is little information available on the internet so I turned to amazon and found Heart of the Dragonfly:Historical Development of the Cross Necklaces of the Pueblo and Navajo Peoples. The book was priced at $200 so I tried looking for it on other websites: eBay, bonzana, abe books, the usual only to find out that $200 was a steal!

Anyways, since I could probably only afford to a buy a page from the book I ordered it through my schools interlibrary loan program a few days ago and it came today. It is a beautiful book. I read the whole thing this morning and wanted to share some photos.

In addition I scanned all the photos from the book to my flickr account for anyone else who is interested in reading this book but can’t afford the high price. You can find the set here."

Нет, ну хороши ж, правда:

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