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Название темыпечка древняя из Помпей
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=263&topic_id=10073&mesg_id=10675
10675, печка древняя из Помпей
Послано guest, 16-04-2011 17:44

Supplier Ref: 119RO1140B.JPG
Heating apparatus; a food warmer. Country of Origin: Italy. Culture: Ancient Roman. Date/Period: 1st C BC to 1st C AD. Place of Origin: Pompeii. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ Pompeii Museum, Pompeii . Location: 12.

в приличных странах такие печки-буржуйки чугунные делают в очень сильно Новом и даже Новейшем времени, ну а в Помпеи завезли гораздо раньше...

всё-таки чугун нужен жаростойкий фосфористый...

вон английская вики, вынося Китай за скобки цивилизации, говорит в Западной Европе чугун начали делать с конца 14 века...


In the west, where it did not become available till the late 14th century, its earliest uses included cannon and shot. Henry VIII initiated the casting of cannon in England. Soon, English iron workers using blast furnaces developed the technique of producing cast iron cannons, which, while heavier than the prevailing bronze cannons, were much cheaper and enabled England to arm her navy better. The ironmasters of the Weald continued producing cast irons until the 1760s and armament was one of the main uses of irons after the Restoration.

Cast iron pots were made at many English blast furnaces at the time. In 1707, Abraham Darby patented a method of making pots (and kettles) thinner and hence cheaper than his rivals could. This meant that his Coalbrookdale furnaces became dominant as suppliers of pots, an activity in which they were joined in the 1720s and 1730s by a small number of other coke-fired blast furnaces.

The development of the steam engine by Thomas Newcomen provided further market for cast irons, since cast irons were considerably cheaper than the brass of which the engine cylinders were originally made. John Wilkinson was a great exponent of cast iron, who, amongst other things, cast the cylinders for many of James Watt's improved steam engines until the establishment of the Soho Foundry in 1795.

а французская вики утверждает, что производство чугуна получило "развитие до экономического значения" в 19 веке

En Europe, c'est durant le XIXe siècle que la fonte prit place dans l'économie, par l'intermédiaire du « procédé indirect » (production de fer au haut-fourneau avec obtention de la fonte en produit intermédiaire).
