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Название темыRE: Помпеи, ответы на вопросы.
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=263&topic_id=10073&mesg_id=10239
10239, RE: Помпеи, ответы на вопросы.
Послано guest, 10-10-2010 18:24
>"Нужно быть совсем одурманеным ТИ, чтобы принять следы от
>проектилей огнестрельного оружия"
>Вы ведь наверняка были в Берлине, верно? Там такие "следы от
>проектилей" на многих довоенных стенах.
>Вы ведь слышали о высадке в Салерно?

Еще один одурманеный...

"""Licensed to kill... Project Illustrator Michael Burns, a former U.S. Airborne Ranger, holds two samples of Sullan missiles outside the Herculaneum Gate. A crater in the city wall behind marks the point of impact one such ball may have made in 89 B.C. Burns is currently a doctoral student at University College London, where he is writing a dissertation on Roman warfare."""

Во время Второй Мировой Войны Помпеи сильно пострадали от воздушных налетов. Наземные боевые действия в Помпеях не велись.

On 28 September the Ranger Force occupied Sala on the north­ west side of the Sorrento Mountain chain, overlooking the plain of Nocera. The 23 Armoured Brigade debouched into the level country north of Sala and advanced to Castellamare while the 131 Brigade (7 Armoured Division) took Nocera. This brigade passed through the 46 Division and formed the advance guard for the 7 Armoured Division. On the 29th the bridge at Scafati was seized intact, although it had been prepared for demolition. By this action we secured the only bridge over the Sarno not destroyed by the Germans. Even so the many vehicles of the armored division were impeded by a bottle­ neck until three more bridges were thrown across the Sarno; then the British armor was ready for the dramatic plunge on Naples. Pushing closely upon the heels of the retreating enemy, the King's Dra­ goon Guards and the 11 Hussars, both armored reconnaissance units, swept along leading the attack. Pompeii, Torre Annunziata, and many other cities fell without opposition. On the left patrols of the 82d Airborne Division reached Torre del Greco, where the Germans held for a short time. At nightfall on 30 September troops of 10 Corps were surrounding Mount Vesuvius. Naples, with its demolished port, was within our grasp.

См. WWII 5th Army History